As the condition of the body that are more susceptible to disease when the change of seasons, it was the condition of the sperm too. Research in Israel showed that human sperm will generally be more healthy during the winter and early spring.Based on the results of a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, researchers analyzed the sperm samples of more than 6,000 men who were treated for infertility and found that sperm quality is also related to the change of seasons.
Researchers wrote that in the winter, the number of male sperm production more, swim faster speed and better quality sperm. But when spring arrives, a decline in the number and quality of sperm."If there is a seasonal pattern to the condition of a man's sperm, it is very important to predict the level of fertility. Especially for couples who need fertility treatment to get pregnant," said Eliahu Levitas of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, who led the study .Levitas and his colleagues then went on to study analyzed 6455 semen samples from men enrolled in a fertility clinic between January 2006 and July 2009. Approximately 4960 men known to have normal sperm production and 1495 men have abnormal sperm production, such as a low sperm count.
World Health Organization or WHO defines that the production of 16 million sperm per milliliter of semen considered normal, while producing less or lower than the amount considered abnormal.Researchers also have to consider the time it takes the body to produce sperm cells, which is about 70 days. The result is known that men with normal sperm production have healthy sperm in the winter.For example, people were producing about 70 million sperm per milliliter of semen during the winter. Only about 5 percent of the sperm are of poor quality, or swim a low speed, thereby increasing the opportunity for pregnant couples.The results are also seen in male sperm production in the spring which is only around 68 million per milliliter of semen and only about 3 percent of the sperm are of poor quality.
"Based on these results, normal semen quality will be better in the winter, while the handling of cases of infertility are associated with low sperm counts may have to take into account whether in the winter or spring, so that the result is optimal," wrote the researchers, as reported ReutersPrevious studies, mainly in animals, have found similar results in which seasonal changes in sperm production and fertility has been attributed to factors ranging from temperature, long sun exposure, and hormonal variations.This study does not mean that suggest that men with low sperm counts have to wait until winter or spring to try to get pregnant, but it provides information that men who have problems with low sperm production can obtain optimal care in winter or autumn compared to other seasons.
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