Bee venom for HIV

Generally the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can be overcome by administering drugs Antiretroviral therapy (ARV). However, a study claims, bee stings can be used as an alternative in preventing the spread of this virus.

A researcher from the Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louise, USA, Dr Joshua L Hood said the bees have venom melittin, which is believed to function to destroy and prevent the spread of the HIV virus.

In The Sun, researchers reveal how bee venom attacks the HIV virus in the body. According to him, will be included in melittin nanoparticles to attack and destroy viruses. Not only that, the researchers also protect it with a protective chemical toxins that can be reflected if the cells are healthy or not infected.

"We hope that the spread of the HIV virus is not widespread, the sufferer can use the gel (bee venom) as early preventive measures," said Hood.

If the majority of HIV treatment drugs only inhibit the growth and development of the virus in the body, bee venom is actually more work than that. Melittin will attack the structure of the virus and prevent the spread of infection.

Hood also added that melittin can also be an effective way to kill tumor cells.
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