sleep quality with a variety of disease risk

Growing number of studies that link between poor sleep quality with a variety of disease risk, health experts recommend that you immediately correct it. The quality night's sleep can be improved with a more cool is to perform exercises.

Scientists have found a strong association between weekly physical activity with quality of life, including sleep apnea and insomnia improved. Even just adding 10 minutes to your walk during the day, can increase the chance to sleep more soundly.

Experts in the field of sleep from the Baylor College of Medicine conducted a study involving 1,000 adults, aged 23 to 60 years. Participants were grouped according to the level of activity in a category gymnastics (with sub categories of strong, moderate, and light) and non-exercisers.

Although the duration or length of sleep seems unaffected by physical effort, but both groups showed a very different quality of sleep. Participants who engaged in moderate exercise, moderate or severe reported consistently enjoy a good night's sleep at a rate of 56 to 67 percent.

While participants were not only able to exercise good night's sleep as much as 39 percent."More than 75 percent of participants who did gymnastics, reported that the quality of sleep during the 2 week study period was very good," said Prof. Max Hirshkowitz, leader of the study, as reported by Canada, Thursday (03/07/2013).

Approximately 72 percent of participants who did gymnastics with strong intensity reported that he never woke up in the middle of the night and difficulty going back to sleep, while 69 percent stated that he rarely had difficulty falling asleep.

While the participants were sedentary and did not do gymnastics, claimed that 50 percent of them woke up during the night and 24 percent had trouble falling asleep every night or almost every night. In addition, about 44 persennnya risk for sleep apnea, a condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep.

Gymnastics many kinds, including floor exercises, aerobics, gymnastics, and so on. Start by doing the simple gymnastics floor, like a regular sit-ups every day to get a quality night's sleep.

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