Make Over Your Sexual Life

Do not ignore small problems that you often encounter in everyday sexual life. Some things may be destructive of domestic harmony, so you need to recognize the signs and immediately make over sexual life.
As reported by Only My Health, Sunday (03/17/2013) The following signs indicate that it needs to be a change in your sex life, among other things:
1. Prefer to sleepNaturally, if someone would prefer to sleep than have sex, when his body was so tired. But if the bed had been used as an excuse to avoid sex, it means that there is something wrong with his sex life.
Many people often complain that their partners are too tired and fell asleep, it shows that their sex lives have changed so little in harmony again.
2. Couple pretend to have an orgasmSome people sometimes think that he can please your partner if you managed to achieve orgasm, making it less of them fake an orgasm for the purpose. In fact, if the couple realized falsehood orgasm, he would likely lose interest in having sex again.
3. Sex is routineAt the beginning of marriage, sex will be very enjoyable to make newlyweds make it as routine. But with age and length of marriage, sex is a routine assumption that may be signs of worsening your sex life.
If sex is considered as a routine, then you and your partner are bound by an obligation to do. Unfortunately, sex is done solely out of a sense forced by duty, always ends up to no good.
4. Sex is not preceded foreplaySex is not just about sex, but covers the process of building intimacy, such as intimate foreplay or cuddling after sex. Foreplay is very important in sex, because stimuli were given either a touch or oral made partner feel appreciated.
If sex is no longer preceded by foreplay and direct penetration, this may indicate that the need to make over your sexual life.
5. Sex is starting to feel boringAs usual touches you give the couple no longer aroused, this might be due to couples getting bored with the style of sex is always the same. It can make the couple are no longer eager for sex.
Try to do something new to surprise sex couples and make the experience this time was different than usual.
6. No longer is there a conversation while having sexRomantic conversation in bed can also warm the atmosphere sex life. If both partners are only busy with intimacy and conversation at all, it means that there must be changes in your sexual life.
A person will feel more appreciated and cherished by talking with sweet words and attention on the bed.

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sleep quality with a variety of disease risk

Growing number of studies that link between poor sleep quality with a variety of disease risk, health experts recommend that you immediately correct it. The quality night's sleep can be improved with a more cool is to perform exercises.

Scientists have found a strong association between weekly physical activity with quality of life, including sleep apnea and insomnia improved. Even just adding 10 minutes to your walk during the day, can increase the chance to sleep more soundly.

Experts in the field of sleep from the Baylor College of Medicine conducted a study involving 1,000 adults, aged 23 to 60 years. Participants were grouped according to the level of activity in a category gymnastics (with sub categories of strong, moderate, and light) and non-exercisers.

Although the duration or length of sleep seems unaffected by physical effort, but both groups showed a very different quality of sleep. Participants who engaged in moderate exercise, moderate or severe reported consistently enjoy a good night's sleep at a rate of 56 to 67 percent.

While participants were not only able to exercise good night's sleep as much as 39 percent."More than 75 percent of participants who did gymnastics, reported that the quality of sleep during the 2 week study period was very good," said Prof. Max Hirshkowitz, leader of the study, as reported by Canada, Thursday (03/07/2013).

Approximately 72 percent of participants who did gymnastics with strong intensity reported that he never woke up in the middle of the night and difficulty going back to sleep, while 69 percent stated that he rarely had difficulty falling asleep.

While the participants were sedentary and did not do gymnastics, claimed that 50 percent of them woke up during the night and 24 percent had trouble falling asleep every night or almost every night. In addition, about 44 persennnya risk for sleep apnea, a condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep.

Gymnastics many kinds, including floor exercises, aerobics, gymnastics, and so on. Start by doing the simple gymnastics floor, like a regular sit-ups every day to get a quality night's sleep.

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Essential Supplements for Men Fit Body

Supplements are certain chemicals or foods that serve as supporting health. However, due to the circulation of supplements are many and varied, consumers tend to confusion determine which supplements necessary for their body and which are not so necessary.

So that it did not happen, consider first review of 10 supplements are important and needed by men as quoted

1. Boron
According to some studies, men with the highest intake of boron have 65 percent less likely to get prostate cancer than men who intake less.All you need is 3 milligrams per day. This supplement is not only against cancer because of USDA researchers found that a dose of 3 milligrams of boron for improving memory and concentration.Unfortunately this is not commercially available supplements. If you can not find it, just eat raisins and almonds. 

2. Calcium 
Not all men get a recommendation of 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day (or almost equal to the calcium content in 3 glasses of milk). And the man who had the highest calcium intake weight on average smaller than men who consumed less calcium.All you need is 1,200 milligrams of calcium citrate, half consumed in the morning, half at night to maximize absorption.But if you eat 3 servings of dairy products as much as it was enough. Be a risk of its own if you overload a maximum intake of calcium is 2,500 milligrams. 

3. Chromium 
You probably already know if chromium is a supplement forming muscle, but if you are overweight or your family have diabetes, "Taking chromium is one of the best things you can do to keep insulin levels," said Richard Anderson, Ph.D., a Researchers from the USDA.This is because chromium increases the body's sensitivity to insulin so that blood sugar levels under control.Choose chromium picolinate with a daily intake of 35 micrograms. According to some studies, chromium picolinate is the most effective type of chromium.However, if you have diabetes, consult your doctor if you should take 200 micrograms, Anderson said. 

4. Coenzyme Q10 
Actually, your body can produce coenzyme Q10 to help cells manage energy supplies your body. But as we age, the production also decreased. The only way to restore the levels are taking supplements.Recent studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 can fight cancer, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease even thin the blood to prevent heart disease. Q10 is also loaded with antioxidants that can fight free radicals as well as slow the signs of aging.Researchers recommend 100 mg of coenzyme Q10 per day. You will not find Q10 in multivitamin or certain foods. However, if you are also taking a statin can reduce levels of Q10, Q10 consider to increase your intake to 200 milligrams.

5. Creatine 
Researchers from Australia stated that the ability of memory and intelligence will improve after 6 weeks of taking creatine. All you need is 5 grams per day. You can mix it with the whey protein shake for optimal benefit.But some men's body can not respond to creatine by itself. Therefore, creatine can be consumed along with large amounts of sugar to be responded by the body. 

6. Folic Acid 
Folic acid helps prevent clogged arteries and improve blood flow to the brain to suppress levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that can increase the risk of blood clots.High homocysteine ​​levels are often associated with early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease such as dementia and memory loss. Researchers in Sweden also found that Alzheimer's patients tend to have folic acid deficiency.Levels of folic acid you need is 500 micrograms per day because it can help lower homocysteine ​​levels by 18 percent. Folic acid can also be obtained from foods such as oranges, beans, breads and cereals.However, when taking folic acid, not accompanied by heartburn relief drugs such as Tagamet can deplete folic acid levels in your body. 

7. Glucosamine 
There are some people who do not have the amount of cartilage as a normal person. To prevent bone damage from this cause at the same time rebuilding your cartilage, people with this kind of disorder are advised to take glucosamine supplements are made from the shells of crabs and lobsters.In a 3-year study involving 200 participants suffering from joint problems and published in the journal Lancet found that glucosamine reduces pain and joint stiffness by more than 25 percent and help prevent the development of osteoarthritis in the knee.British Journal of Sports Medicine also revealed that 88 percent of people with joint problems reported experiencing pain reduction after taking glucosamine for 12 weeks.Glucosamine supplements are needed per day is 1,500 milligrams. Could also use a cream made from glucosamine to relieve pain. This was revealed by a study from Australia.

8. Omega-3 acids 
Omega-3 keeping blood pressure and triglyceride levels remained low and the heart beat regularly. This acid also keeps blood remains slippery, reduce the risk of blood clots and clogged arteries.Several studies have shown that men with higher levels of omega-3 has the highest lowest risk of dying from a heart attack.For healthy men, you need 1,000 milligrams of omega-3 per day. For men who have heart problems may need about 2000-4000 milligrams.But before you consult with your doctor because eating too much omega-3 will increase the risk of catching the flu. So that your mouth does not smell fishy, ​​take omega-3 supplements with food.

 9. Selenium"
There is no single nutrient that can prevent cancer as effective as selenium," said Gerald F. Combs, Ph.D., director of the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, USDA. Basically, these supplements can force cancer cells to destroy themselves. Combs also linked increased consumption of selenium to a reduced risk of prostate cancer, colon and lung.All you need is 200 micrograms per day, but the dose will be increased if you are sick.According to a research conducted on mice by researchers from the University of North Carolina showed that low levels of selenium that will make it easier viruses mutate and worsen the symptoms of flu.You can also find natural selenium brazil nuts containing 100 micrograms of selenium in each egg. 

10. Vitamin E 
This supplement is the most potent antioxidants. "Vitamin E may help reduce the risk of certain eye diseases, heart disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer's disease," said Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., professor of nutrition from Tufts University.Study suggests vitamin E also reduces post-exercise muscle damage.Vitamin E intake is 400 IU per day is needed because many people do not get adequate vitamin E from food. Ordinary multivitamins containing only vitamin E is 45 IU.You can also increase your intake by eating nuts and a healthy oil. But choose a natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) than synthetic (dl-alpha tocopherol) because it is much more difficult to digest by the body.


Choose of Bakery

Broadly speaking there are two types of bread on the market, ie brown bread and white bread.

1. Brown Bread
Types of bread using flour high in fiber, such as whole wheat or rye flour. Brown bread is lightly browned be visible, though not all brown bread fall into this category.

2. Nordlander
It is a kind of hard bread from Germany made from rye flour mixed with sunflower seeds and chopped nuts, or raisins and candied orange peel. This bread flavored savory nuts mixed blessing in the dough.

3. Whole wheat
Known as bread wheat because it is made from wheat flour and bran still contains fatty parts (germ). Hence, whole wheat bread tastes more savory, but also more easily rancid. Wheat flour can be associated with brown rice still contains the cuticle layer and high fiber.

4. Rye bread
Bread made from rye flour, a type of cereal crops like wheat. This bread is high in fiber and has a stronger aroma than bread wheat. The use of rye flour to make bread not expand volume of bread from wheat flour / wheat

5. Pain de champagne
Type of hard bread is also called the French country bread. Made from flour, dough prickly, water, and salt. The bread is made with a mixture of wheat flour and rye flour or whole wheat flour. Sliced ​​bread is usually eaten as a sandwich stuffing bacon.

6. White Bread
Type of bread that fall into this category most commonly known to us. Made from white flour. Fiber and other nutrients, the bread is not as powerful automatic brown bread.

7. Toast bread
Is the term for bread we are familiar with wheat flour as the main ingredient. Smooth texture and soft, not even a little milky, thanks to the addition of milk in the batter. In this variation, toast bread is often modified with pandan paste (thus becoming green), add raisins or chocolate chips added.

8. Baguette
French bread is very distinctive with a long stick-like shape. Now, baguette popular, especially since the opening of eating places serving Vietnamese-style sandwich.

9. Focaccia
Type of Italian bread is quite popular. Typically, the surface is polished focaccia with olive oil and sprinkled with chopped olives and herb seeds aromatic leaves. This is similar to bread dough pizza dough


Sample Diet Menu to Reduce Belly Fat

Week 1 to week 3

Low Carbohydrate Diet

• 1 egg omelette or boiled eggs
• 1 slice whole wheat bread / 1 bowl of oatmeal
• Can add a glass of low-fat high-protein milk and sugar

Morning snack
• 2-3 pieces of tofu
• 1 apple / orange / pear / Raspberry

• 150 grams of chicken breast / fish / beef without the fat
• 8-9 tablespoons brown rice / brown rice
• ½ cup of vegetables

Afternoon snack
• 1 piece of fish / beef roast
• 1-2 pieces of tofu

• 200 grams of chicken breast / fish / beef without the fat

Night Snacks
• A glass of low-fat high-protein milk and sugar (whey protein)


Normal Carbohydrate Diet

• 1 egg omelette or boiled eggs
• 2 slices whole wheat bread / 1 bowl of oatmeal
• Can add high-protein low-fat milk and sugar

Morning snack
• 2-3 pieces of tofu
• 1 apple / orange / pear / Raspberry

• 150 grams of chicken breast / fish / beef without the fat
• 16 tablespoons brown rice / brown rice
• 1 cup of vegetables

Afternoon snack
• 1 slice whole wheat bread / ½ cup oatmeal
• 1 piece of fish / beef roast

• 100 grams of chicken breast / fish / beef without the fat
• 8-9 tablespoons brown rice / brown rice

Night Snacks
• High-protein low-fat milk and sugar (whey protein)
• 1 apple / orange / pear
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Natural Acne Scar Treatment

Acne or commonly known in medical terms as: acne vulgaris is a common skin disease and affects 85-100% of people at some time during their lives. Acne affects the areas of skin that have many oil glands such as the face, upper chest, and back. Acne most commonly appears during puberty / adolescence, and often continues into adulthood. In this article we will discuss in details on tips on how to eliminate acne and acne scars naturally hopefully be beneficial to all friends.
For teens, acne is usually triggered by increased hormone, whose numbers increased in males and females during puberty. In most people, acne will diminish over time and tends to disappear or at least diminish slightly after reaching their early twenties. However, there is no way to predict when acne can get away completely. Some people may carry this condition until the 30s, 0.40 's, and so on.
Acne identified by a rash or bumps on the skin surface fat, black or white comedones. Appear mainly on the face, neck, chest, back, upper arms or body. Actually rare to find acne in other areas of the body, though it is possible, too. In this formation, the acne can vary, ranging from very mild to very severe

 Causes of AcneThe cause of acne is not known with certainty, but the doctors have the belief that acne is the result of many interrelated factors. Given there are four factors that play a role in the onset of acne, the production of excess oil (sebum), exfoliating dead skin cells are not regular so it can irritate the follicles in the skin, the bacteria and inflammation or inflammatory.
One important factor is the increased amount of the hormone. These hormones called androgens, whose numbers increased in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sweat glands enlarge and produce more sweat
The other cause could be due to direct contact with the product for hair or cosmetics that contain oil, a family history of acne breakouts where if the parents then the child may be prone too, as well as can be caused due to friction or pressure on the skin caused by certain things such as mobile phones, helmets , tight collars and backpacks. Estrogen pill use and stress can also increase the likelihood of acne in the future.

Rub the skin too hard or cleansing the skin with soap or chemicals that could potentially irritate the skin can make acne worse. If you are a woman and suddenly stricken with acne as an adult, you may need to check the equipment you use cosmetics, including skin cleansers and moisturizers, and hair care products. Certain products, especially oil-based, can clog pores and cause effects within the follicle. Dermatologist may meyarankan you to avoid products that contain oil, and encourage you to use cosmetics labeled "Noncomedegonic". However, you still have to be careful because noncomedogenic products jugabisa acne trigger reactions in people with sensitive skin. Various cosmetic, because the mixture of chemicals in it, has a direct bearing on the incidence of acne. In fact, cosmetic acne, or acne caused by cosmetics is a common form of mild acne. Since the emergence caused by chemicals from the outside, it is relatively easy to cosmetic acne eliminated by stopping the use of cosmetics that trigger acne, the acne will disappear by itself

The process of formation of acne
Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin called pores clogged. Each pore is an opening canal called a follicle. Inside there are hair follicles and oil glands. Normally, the oil glands help lubricate the skin and remove dead skin cells.
But when the glands produce excess oil, pores become clogged by the buildup of dirt and bacteria. The blockage is called a blackhead.
The surface of the blockage can be colored white (called whiteheads) or dark (called blackheads). Whiteheads form of clogged pores which do not have openings, such as blackheads and open pores have a dark surface. If broken, the contents therein including oil and bacteria can spread it around and cause inflammation (inflammation). If inflammation occurs deep in the skin, acne can be enlarged and hardened and ached called cysts form pus, and painful

 Tips and how to get rid of acne naturally
There is no permanent cure for acne. Sports are good, control food habits and actions of facial skin care hygiene will alleviate acne. For mild to moderate acne, home treatment may be sufficient. But if your acne is severe or alarming, it is advisable to ask for medical help. Severe acne can cause scars on the skin and it can last a long time or even forever. So, immediately treat your acne and do not let
Method to eliminate acne naturally if associated with long-term effects and the difficulty level will be safer than the chemical formula. Using natural methods or herbs, you are using products made from plants that nourish the skin. In ngilangin acne tips this time, we will look at some natural ingredients list is quite effective to treat acne:

    As the simplest recipe yet proven, try and apply grated cucumber on acne affected areas. Cucumber is a natural coolant chart; This will reduce the burning sensation in your face and help eliminate them quickly. Then wear fresh tomato paste on the affected area of ​​acne. Perform routine three times a day.
    Mix honey, egg whites and lemon juice and a little clay to make a smoother paste. This paste should be massaged into the entire surface of the skin and rinse after 20 minutes.
    Egg yolk is known as a good natural product to help eliminate oily sheen on the skin. Apply egg yolk on the acne area and allow to react for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with water until clean.
    Porridge raw papaya helps remove dead skin and as a natural facial to help cleanse the skin and opens the pores.
    Rub the acne affected skin areas with a few cloves of garlic a few times each day. But probably smell pretty pungent

 How to remove acne scars with natural methods
Acne scars occur due to loss of tissue, as well as scarring caused by chicken pox. Scar is the result of the healing process in which collagen (a protein that keeps skin smooth) recently formed to repair the wound. In most cases, acne can leave scars on the face that may affect performance. It took a long time to get rid of acne scars, even for some cases of acne scars can never be lost. Therefore, for most people, acne scars equally problematic with acne itself.
You can go to the pharmacy or drug store to look for drugs or creams that can remove acne scars. But keep in mind if acne scars suffered severe you should consult a dermatologist or skin care specialist. This is done so that the face of suffering and not getting damaged due to incorrect handling.
There are several ways that we can use to get rid of acne scars naturally by plants that is easy to temukn:

    Sliced ​​aloe vera is the vitamins contained in aloe vera juice can moisturize, remove acne blemishes and reduce the effects of inflammation on the skin.
    Sliced ​​lemons / limes: Sari lemon or lime juice to disguise scars acne blemishes and remove them slowly. Effect bleaching / whitening experience is already contained in the juice.
    This one fruit are well known and are often believed to eliminate acne scars easily. Benefits astringentya moisturize skin and make skin more supple than usual.
    Apple Vinegar
    Besides drinking, cider vinegar is also believed to remove acne scars. Alcohol and vitamins contained in it can prevent inflammation, as well as blemishes.
    Turmeric is a spice that is included in the ginger family. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a natural medicinal herb. In India, kunit become an essential ingredient in traditional medicine called Ayurveda. Indian women are using turmeric to treat acne
 Hygiene habits and avoid touching the skin of acne
The first step that should be taken when exposed acne is to keep yourself clean. Skin clean to prevent bacteria from infecting patches of acne and also reduces excess oil. Clean the skin with a face wash can help remove dirt and dead cells. Most people believe that by frequently rubbing the affected area will prevent the spread of acne breakouts, when in fact rubbing causes irritation and acne lesions will dry out the skin, make acne worse. Always use a mild cleanser that is able to maintain the pH balance of your skin.
The next step is to multiply the drinking water. It is recommended you drink at least 8 glasses every day. This will help eliminate waste from the body through urine and sweat. Make sure you also exercise, because exercise has a major role in controlling acne. Exercise improves health and the release of endorphins in the body, thereby reducing stress, where the stress related to acne problems. But remember to always clean up properly sweat, perspiration increases bacterial growth and eventually clog the follicles so that aggravate acne

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Bee venom for HIV

Generally the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can be overcome by administering drugs Antiretroviral therapy (ARV). However, a study claims, bee stings can be used as an alternative in preventing the spread of this virus.

A researcher from the Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louise, USA, Dr Joshua L Hood said the bees have venom melittin, which is believed to function to destroy and prevent the spread of the HIV virus.

In The Sun, researchers reveal how bee venom attacks the HIV virus in the body. According to him, will be included in melittin nanoparticles to attack and destroy viruses. Not only that, the researchers also protect it with a protective chemical toxins that can be reflected if the cells are healthy or not infected.

"We hope that the spread of the HIV virus is not widespread, the sufferer can use the gel (bee venom) as early preventive measures," said Hood.

If the majority of HIV treatment drugs only inhibit the growth and development of the virus in the body, bee venom is actually more work than that. Melittin will attack the structure of the virus and prevent the spread of infection.

Hood also added that melittin can also be an effective way to kill tumor cells.
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Weight Loss Healthy Program

Nowadays most of the people who are dieting only focused on weight loss alone. Whereas in the reduction program a healthy weight is important things is the weight of fat to get off.Total weight loss is best if the weight of the fat should be dominant down, it is called a program of healthy weight loss.  

Fat weight that should be targeted or trimmed,If you just lose weight in one week then one can go down to 5 pounds by following a weight loss program pinned under a tree, but the drugs given it keeps out the water in the body resulting in weight loss.  

People that get in the sauna or run daytime wear jackets can also make weight loss,And if someone wants to lose weight in a healthy weight then the fat must be reduced, and it is no less important are the muscles in the body also be formed.For that if you really want to lose weight, in addition to regular weigh scales suggested measure fat content in the body with a special tool once a month, to know whether there was a reduced fat or not.Losing weight is really not just healthy but also your body shape. 

The way the diet is set in this case inevitably reduced portions and arranged so that the composition or species can not be arbitrary.If you want to lose weight the ideal self in 1 week down 0.5 to 1 kg in 1 month and approximately 2-4 kg, it is safe to do alone. Of course, still have to diet and exercise.There are dangers that arise when losing weight too quickly as metabolic changes, namely triglycerides and uric acid soared so high.This is because the diturunin fat, so fat cells break off and enter the blood, so if high triglyceride fat levels checked and if a blood vessel is blocked then this could be dangerous. 

Whereas in the case of uric acid will increase. This is because when there is a rapid decrease in the muscle or torn or burned, and the main content of muscle is protein. So if the protein is broken down causing high uric acid.For that if you really want to lose weight in a healthy weight is fat look down, and this should be done gradually and not get in quick time.

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Mens Fertility Test : Quality Sperm Also Influenced Substitution Seasons

As the condition of the body that are more susceptible to disease when the change of seasons, it was the condition of the sperm too. Research in Israel showed that human sperm will generally be more healthy during the winter and early spring.Based on the results of a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, researchers analyzed the sperm samples of more than 6,000 men who were treated for infertility and found that sperm quality is also related to the change of seasons. 

Researchers wrote that in the winter, the number of male sperm production more, swim faster speed and better quality sperm. But when spring arrives, a decline in the number and quality of sperm."If there is a seasonal pattern to the condition of a man's sperm, it is very important to predict the level of fertility. Especially for couples who need fertility treatment to get pregnant," said Eliahu Levitas of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, who led the study .Levitas and his colleagues then went on to study analyzed 6455 semen samples from men enrolled in a fertility clinic between January 2006 and July 2009. Approximately 4960 men known to have normal sperm production and 1495 men have abnormal sperm production, such as a low sperm count. 

World Health Organization or WHO defines that the production of 16 million sperm per milliliter of semen considered normal, while producing less or lower than the amount considered abnormal.Researchers also have to consider the time it takes the body to produce sperm cells, which is about 70 days. The result is known that men with normal sperm production have healthy sperm in the winter.For example, people were producing about 70 million sperm per milliliter of semen during the winter. Only about 5 percent of the sperm are of poor quality, or swim a low speed, thereby increasing the opportunity for pregnant couples.The results are also seen in male sperm production in the spring which is only around 68 million per milliliter of semen and only about 3 percent of the sperm are of poor quality. 

"Based on these results, normal semen quality will be better in the winter, while the handling of cases of infertility are associated with low sperm counts may have to take into account whether in the winter or spring, so that the result is optimal," wrote the researchers, as reported ReutersPrevious studies, mainly in animals, have found similar results in which seasonal changes in sperm production and fertility has been attributed to factors ranging from temperature, long sun exposure, and hormonal variations.This study does not mean that suggest that men with low sperm counts have to wait until winter or spring to try to get pregnant, but it provides information that men who have problems with low sperm production can obtain optimal care in winter or autumn compared to other seasons.

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30 Years Against Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cured Thanks to Change Diet

Diet certain foods are known to have a very big effect to one's health. Even a Canadian man who almost gave up after 30 years of battling rheumatoid arthritis eventually managed to recover after changing his diet.Curt Griffing is now 57 years old, about 30 years ago he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed tissue layers. Over time, inflammation or tissue inflammation can interfere with the joint, causing pain when walking or mengggerakkan hand.Doctors advised to regularly check the condition Griffing to the hospital and perform joint replacement surgery so that he can move back freely. But apparently, Griffing fear operating procedures and decided to avoid the hospital.Griffing choose alternative medicine to control pain. But after 30 years later, his condition rheumatoid arthritis not improved and in fact getting worse."I've never been to a doctor since convicted with rheumatoid arthritis. Then the thought to try to change my diet consume each day, whether it has a significant effect on my condition," said Griffing, as written on Natural News, Friday (8 / 3/2013).Griffing finally implement vegan diet or eating raw foods and avoid favorite foods such as meat and dairy products, including cheese. Instead of eating her favorite meat, salad with dressing Griffing pick beans and other raw foods every day.Experts claim that the meat contains high saturated fat, and a study showed that people who ate saturated fat are at greater risk of inflammation. Vegan diet offers nutrients that can be utilized fully by the body without causing the accumulation of harmful waste materials.After a few months, Griffing can feel the improvement of health and the condition of rheumatoid arthritis has improved. To support Griffing, the whole family that includes his wife and children also follow a vegan diet lived.Griffing reported that he got a lot of health improvements after applying the vegan diet, including weight loss, clear skin of acne, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduced risk of type II diabetes, and the improvement of conditions associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, illness Celiac and insomnia.

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